Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 2 in Osaka City - Nara 奈良一日游 + Umeda Sky Building

第二天的行程:门真市 -------〉奈良 ---------〉梅田市
~~~ 出发 ~~~

从大阪到奈良,是需要乘坐电车的。休息了一个晚上,最高兴得我想是我的两条腿了。可是,一大清早,他们有得工作了。呵呵,太阳普照的早上,8点的太阳,好像我们在马来西亚的10点,已经很猛烈了。走出旅店,独自的旅程就开始了。从Kadomachi 门真市,先要到Subway: Imazato, 今里站,然后,到鹤桥站 (Tsuruhashi),才能在那边转坐近铁奈良线到奈良.

Before reach Imazato station, I need to hope to Imazatosuji Line from Keihan Main Line at station Sekime station. Time pass fast, some time spent for walking, some time spent for waiting the railway, it was 8:25am when I reached Sekime station.

Luckly, I have learnt enough experience on the Japan railway system yesterday, very quickly, I am able to bought the ticket and waiting for the railway at the platform.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Simple Business Question

Suddenly, my wife post me this question and I need to answer in 3 minutes since I always said that my intelligent is higher than her.

The question sound:
One day, a business man tried to sell a product which the cost is RM180. However, the business man sold it at RM210 to gain RM30 profit. But, the customer gave RM500 for the product. Since the business man lack of small change, he tried to exchange it with his neighbor in order to make the change: RM290 for the customer.

Later, the neighbor found out that the RM500 is a fake one and try to get back the money from the business man. Question: how much money has the business man lost in this deal?

If you have the answer, you can post me comments and I will reply the answer in 2 weeks time :)


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

先把差点忘掉的回忆记录一下!- 烟花拍摄 (Fireworks)

我只可以觉得,最进的生活,实在是过得太充实。阿哈! 这大概是给个太忙得人安慰的理由。。。是吗?想想,没有啊。。。 每天还是脚踏实地的生活,有工作,有娱乐,有运动,有旅游,有。。。 只是,突然想起,上回高高兴兴去 Putrajaya 看烟花,拍摄烟花照片的时候,已经是两个月前的事情了!这期间,已经发生了很多事情,也已经差点忘了原本打算blog的烟花照片!

可是,我们这些做电脑的,很鼓励Object Oriented 的 Concept :D
朋友们,你们可以 refer to : <<国庆前夕>> 看看吧!那些照片就 Inherit from 那里吧。

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Day 1 in Osaka City - 大阪的一天- 门真市。。。(Kadomashi)

难波市--〉DenDen Town --> Osaka Castle --> 四天王寺--〉天满桥市--〉梅田市--〉门真市

After reaching Umeda, it was alraedy 6:15pm. The night begin to fall... I have appointment with my wife to meet at Kadomashi station at 7pm. I am still not sure how far from Umeda to Kadomashi since this is just the first time I has been here. Hence, without further delay, I plan to visit the Umeda Sky Building tomorrow night. So, quickly, I walked back to Umeda station and take the subway to Kyobashi station by changing to Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line from Midosuji Line. This time I am pretty sure on how to get around the subway since I have been learning it since morning :).

Once reach Kyobashi, I proceed to K-Han line (京阪线)to go to Kadomashi station. Haha... you know what I always tell my wife for this trip? This is actually a “千里寻妻”kind of trip. I depart from Malaysia to Japan to find her while she was there for a company business trip :).

I wasn't feel hungry that time. Perhaps it's quite rush and tense for me to feel that till after I had taken bath. Both of us decided to go to Moriguchi to have our dinner. Haha... having my first dinner at Japan. Really a nice one.

Day 1 in Osaka City - 大阪的一天- 梅田市。。。(Umeda)

难波市--〉DenDen Town --> Osaka Castle --> 四天王寺--〉天满桥市--〉梅田市--〉门真市

I decide to pay a visit to Osaka Technology & Science Center before go to Umeda. The center is located beside the Osaka Garden. Below is some pictures taken there. But, when I reach the center, it has close. I saw a group of kids comming out from the center follow by their teachers. By observing their explanation and content inside the center, knowing that that is more suitable for students.

Their garden is quite huge. Lots of people joging there. Perhaps it was end of summer, the scenary still not that beautiful. By taking Midosuji Line, get out from Umeda station, I start to find the Umeda Sky Building. Since the building is the tallest in the city, it was quite easy being identified. However, it take me roughly 45 minutes to find out how to go there. This is because between the subway station and the Umeda Sky Building, there is a major construction carrying on. We need to pass through a underground street to actually reach the location.

Day 1 in Osaka City - 大阪的一天- 天满桥市。。。(Temmabashi)

难波市--〉DenDen Town --> Osaka Castle --> 四天王寺--〉天满桥市--〉梅田市--〉门真市

After visit Shntennoji for around an hour, I returned to Shintennoji subway station via another route so that can visit around Shintennoji town area. Nonthing special, just have quite a number of shops selling some products which we will never see in our country. For eg:

From Shintennoji subway station, follow the same subway line which is Tanimachi Line, I can reach Temmabashi station. The purpose go here is actually plan to visit Japan Mint (造币局)。
But, after come out from the Temmabashi station, there is 4 directions that I can go. The information that I have just mention: 15 minutes walk from the station. Arh... 25% is the chance I have. I also try to ask for some direction from people, but they fail to elaborate effectively.

However, I try my luck by choosing 1 of the 4 direction, I choose the east! :)
The photos is the environment around the place that have taken. Look at their motor, it's quite advance rite? There is a place for the bicycle to park and by putting money, the machine can actually help to lock the bicycle tyer.

Unfortunately, I fail to find the place. I try to look around for any sign to indicate me the direction. However, perhaps I am totally at the wrong direction. That time was around 3:30pm in the evening, but it was quite hot when walking along the road. The 2nd picture above was the picture I took when I pass through the Temmabashi bridge. 3rd picture is a very special restaurant when I pass through because the food smell is really nice. I had decided to try it, but, sadly, it close until 5pm in the evening. I can't afford to wait until that late because still got other place in the schedule I would like to go :). So, just a picture in memory I captured.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Day 1 in Osaka City - 大阪的一天- 四天王寺。。。(Shintennoji)

难波市--〉DenDen Town --> Osaka Castle --> 四天王寺--〉天满桥市--〉梅田市--〉门真市

大概用了1小时半逗留在大阪城,就要前往四天王寺了。也还不知道怎样去,只知道应该在Shintennoji-mae-Yuhigaoka 站下车。大概是因为有Shintennoji这个字吧。所以,就从大阪城,走回Morinomiya站,趁塔Subway到Tanimachi6-Chome站,再转换Tanimachi Line。哈哈!,以为一到四天王寺站,就有很明显的指示牌,告诉旅客怎样去Shintennoji, 哪知,什么指示也没有。走出车站,就即刻面对50%对错的选择题,往左走还是往右走!结果,选择了左边,走了大概5分钟,觉得好像不太对劲,还是问问路人吧。这次忽然想起,‘sumimase’一词,心想,一开口说日本字,也比较会受到日本人的理会吧。果然,效果不错,路人都会停下来,给我问接下来的问题。问了两个日本人,一个老男人,一个中年女人,终于在相反方向,走了5分钟左右,就到了寺的中门。

